Nossos Cães


Fort Chien Kat

American Bully



Fort Chien Kat

American Bully


  • Sexo Fêmea

  • Nascimento: 15/02/2015

Fale com o Criador Agora Fale com o Criador Agora Conheça o pedigree


Daxlines Anthrax of USBF Daxlines Anthrax of USBF

Daxlines Anthrax of USBF

Gottyline's Dax Gottyline's Dax

Gottyline's Dax

VN'S 8th Wonder of Bully Force VN'S 8th Wonder of Bully Force

VN'S 8th Wonder of Bully Force

Gottyline's Romeo Gottyline's Romeo

Gottyline's Romeo

Gottyline's Barbee Gottyline's Barbee

Gottyline's Barbee

Gottyline's Romeo Gottyline's Romeo

Gottyline's Romeo

MPK's Chola MPK's Chola

MPK's Chola




BM Hana BM Hana

BM Hana

215 Gottiline's BM Daxson 215 Gottiline's BM Daxson

215 Gottiline's BM Daxson

Blueforce BM Omeny Blueforce BM Omeny

Blueforce BM Omeny

Gottyline's Dax Gottyline's Dax

Gottyline's Dax

Infamous Dora Infamous Dora

Infamous Dora

Night Time's Omen of Blueforce Night Time's Omen of Blueforce

Night Time's Omen of Blueforce

Top Edge's Gigi of Blueforce Top Edge's Gigi of Blueforce

Top Edge's Gigi of Blueforce

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